Just a reminder: We will still have our FAFSA night tomorrow night despite the NTI day! See below.
about 1 year ago, Heather Schuerman
West High and the Colts basketball team hosted the first Future Colts Basketball Camp with Jarrod Polson on Sunday. The kids and the team had a great time! Look for more events like this in the future. Go Colts!
about 1 year ago, Brady Thornton
future colts
Class 101 - Lexington would like to invite the students in our community to join us for a FREE practice ACT on Saturday, February 3rd, from 10am to 2pm. Students will establish a baseline score and see where improvements can be made. A detailed score report of the student's trends will be provided at an individual review session at a later date. Students can register with the link below to secure a spot! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-community-practice-act-tickets-779611297377?aff=oddtdtcreator
about 1 year ago, Heather Schuerman
The KHEAA College Info Road Show Bus made a stop at West today to help students with financial aid, college decisions, and FAFSA information. Thank you to KHEAA for providing this service to the students in Kentucky!
about 1 year ago, Heather Schuerman
We have a lot going on this week with plenty of opportunities to cheer on your Colts! Check out the events below.
about 1 year ago, Heather Schuerman
updated events
Update: The date for the FAFSA night at WJHS is January 16th (previously we shared information for the 17th, but that was incorrect). See you on the 16th from 5-7!
about 1 year ago, Heather Schuerman
Senior Students & Families: It's time to fill out the FAFSA! WJHS is partnering with KHEAA to offer a FAFSA night for parents/guardians and students. Complete your FAFSA with us January 17th from 5p-7p or ask our KHEAA rep questions directly about the process. See flyer for details.
about 1 year ago, Heather Schuerman
FAFSA night
Congratulations to our two newest Colt Heroes, Mrs. Edgington and Ms. Hawley! Our staff and students are so lucky to have you both!
about 1 year ago, Heather Schuerman
Come join the West High team! It's a great place to be!
about 1 year ago, Heather Schuerman
we are hiring
Last day, best day! Let's do Winter Spirit Week the Colts way!
about 1 year ago, Heather Schuerman
Friday Spirit Day
Suit up for Winter Spirit Week Thursday!
about 1 year ago, Heather Schuerman
Thursday Spirit Week
We're halfway through our Winter Spirit Week - Barbie Christmas is our theme for Wednesday!
about 1 year ago, Heather Schuerman
Wednesday Spirit Day
Don't forget our Tuesday Winter Spirit Week Theme!
about 1 year ago, Heather Schuerman
Tuesday Elf Day
Gearing up for a week of Sports here at WJHS! Get out and support your Colts before Winter Break!
about 1 year ago, Heather Schuerman
Sports Schedule WJHS